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Case Studies

Chelmsford City Council
Streamlining TechnologyOne Invoice Processing with SaaS
Chelmsford City Council Partners with EzeScan to Revolutionize Invoice Processing and Boost Efficiency.

RPF Building
RPF Building Automates Accounts Payable Processing
RPF Building, Australia’s leading insurance repair builder, implements EzeScan CLOUD AP Invoice Automation for their Prime Ecosystem - the leading repair job management software in Australia for insurance builders.

University of Western Australia
The University of Western Australia automates records capture with the help of EzeScan.
With more than 250,000 student records generated annually, the records department needed to implement an automated records capture solution to encourage digitisation. Here's how they did it...

Wollens Solicitors
EzeScan gives Wollens Solicitors a fast, accurate and user-friendly solution!
With a growing total of 150+ employees located between three (3) different law firms across the United Kingdom, a move to an agile working environment prompted the law firm to find a more efficient post system.

Pacific Life
Insuring against COVID19 at Pacific Life!
Insurer Pacific Life has expanded its use of EzeScan capture technology to establish Digital Mailrooms (DMRs) in response to COVID-19, and digitise and automate many business workflows.

Sydney’s Marrickville Council
Sydney’s Marrickville Council implements workflow automation with EzeScan!
A new workflow automation platform is being implemented by Sydney’s Marrickville Council using EzeScan data capture software and Technology One workflows. Heres how it works...

UK Police
How EzeScan software helped the UK Police Force to digitise paper records to help prevent future tradgedies.
When the UK Police Force needed a data capture solution to help with their investigations, EzeScan software was configured to apply metadata to digitized records that were then uploaded to the EDRMS, enabling ease of searching of hand written content.